Auciel Finds Midget Porn

One day after shit went down in a certain few previous
trollpastas I have written (), Auciel was using her
hyper-realistic PC to browse the hyper-realistic interwebz. (LOL the dark web u
fuckin’ plebs.)
Upon searching up a website that hosted obscure troll on
human porn, she accidentally clicked on a twitter link which, luckily for her,
didn’t end up leading to a child porn website. But, it lead instead, to a site
which had midget porn as far as her human troll eyes could see.
She immediately closed Tor down, and went to go do something
productive with her life.
She would have to ask Sollux to clear her browsing data when
he wasn’t busy fucking Eridan. She really needs to get a grip on the way humans
deal with things.
And possibly find a midget to fuck in the process.